Oxfam in the West End

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



…….. but you can call me Ales.

I started working in Drury Lane on the 1st of May 2007 – because it is a great solution to improve my English, work in an English shop – and help other people in the world!

My favourite music has got to be French rap music – like Booba, Soprano …..

I love da instrumental sound!!

I was born in ‘La Tronche’ – near Grenoble City – in France.

The place in the world I would most like to live – is either back home in France – or in Portugal – the sunny part!!

My favourite journey ever – was following the French soccer team winning the world cup in 1988!

The time I was the happiest so far – was at a party before my departure for this job! All my friends were there!

When I grow up – all I want is a good job.

My favourite colours are black & white.

My favourite meal is anything that my mother cooks – but especially her Lasagne!

Three people I would love to invite a meal would be my girlfriend – to have many French kisses, my team of friends – so we can joke and be crazy – and maybe come up with new ideas for a new rap sound, & my best friend – to go to a club afterwards!

I love volunteering for Oxfam as I think this shop has the best solution for helping people who don’t have resources – in my mind – the implication is that it is not ‘lost time’.


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