Oxfam in the West End

Thursday, July 13, 2006



I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane shop since September 1997 (!) – and joined because I wanted to help a good cause - & of course – meet new friends.

My favourite album of all time has got to be Beethoven’s – Symphony No. 6.

The best piece of art that I’ve ever seen is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

And the best book I’ve so far read is definitely I Claudius by Robert Graves.

I was born in Mashed – which is in Iran – but if I had to choose an ideal place to live – it would have to be in Dubai.

My favourite journey so far has been the Silk Road – from Pakistan by road to China.

The place I have been happiest was in Algiers in Algeria – North Africa.

I am a teacher – My favourite colour is green – and my star sign is Cancer.

For my favourite meal of chow mien – I would invite Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Mohammed Ali & Jina all together!!

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it is fun coming here. I meet lots of nice people both as volunteers – and as customers.


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