Oxfam in the West End

Thursday, July 13, 2006



I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since September 2005 – and I joined because I wanted to understand more about international poverty – and I wanted to make some friends.

I don’t really have a favourite album – but I like any old Hindi songs – because Old Is Gold!!

Again – I don’t have a favourite work of art – I believe all art is beautiful.

Books?! – I’ve never ever got around to finishing a book – ever!

I was born in London – but ideally would love to live somewhere in the Caribbean.

I love going on road trips every day – is a day to enjoy!

The time & place I was happiest were in my childhood – how I would love to get them back! Those days were the sweetest!

I’m not too sure what I want to do when I grow up – I don’t like to plan – I want life to take me where it takes me!

I love all the colours of the rainbow & my star sign is Capricorn.

For my favourite meal of delicious Indian food – I would invite Amiiabh Bachan – who is a famous Indian movie star. That man in his lifetime – has made so many movies that touch the heart – and he is so brilliant at acting – that it would be a shame if I ever missed out meeting him (let’s face it – it’s never going to happen – but never say never!)

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it makes me feel good knowing that I am making a difference to peoples lives – who don’t live as good a life as us all. So giving time make’s a big difference – believe it or not.


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