Oxfam in the West End

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


This is the coldest time of the year - and yet David still goes outside every Saturday - and gets our shops shining beautifully.

When we arrive for the start of the week on Mondays - both the shops look stunning. Not only are all the windows gleaming inside & out - but the signs, walls & sidewalks have been scrubbed down as well.

Obviously doing all this is okay in summer - hard work - but sometimes enjoyable. But for most of the year - David has to clean outside in very cold conditions. He swears he loves it - but I have heard him mutter darkly sometimes.

David - please know that we all appreciate all the hours you put into the shop - sorting out our blocked toilets, blown light bulbs, loose snags, etc - but most of all we really love having beautiful shops to work in.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Bill has just sent through a great picture of the party at the re-opening of the Drury Lane shop! It's a great shot of Mona looking very glamorous - but then also of Beyza who volunteers on Saturdays in Drury Lane - and Nadia - who started out in Carnarby Street - and when we closed that down - she transferred over to Drury Lane before going home to Hong Kong. You can also spot the top of Abduls head!

Thanks for this great shot Bill. Please let Bill be an encouragement to the rest of you to send any photos to our Blogsite for everybody to see - especially our just-departed French contingent!!

And speaking of parties - Van & Maureen are in the process of finalising the end-of-year party to be held in a restaurant in the Elephant & Castle in the first week of 2006. It will be a buffet meal appealing to both veggies and carnivores.

Check out this space for further news!!

Simon is here for a couple of weeks.

As you all know - Simon has been working on the East Coast of Sri Lanka for about a year now - helping re-build schools that were demolished by the Boxing Day Tsunami.

But he has just popped back for a couple of weeks holiday - and is doing the rounds. If you want to hook up with him - please tell Sona - and we will arrange a day where we can all have a pizza and catch up with all the latest news.

Also I have asked him if he can send this blog-site occasional musings. For those of you lucky enough to get his fantastic emails - you will already know what a treat it is to read the truth about the NGO response to the disaster (and the Pakiistan Earthquake).

Simon - please have a great break - recharge every battery - chill out - and then speed back to continue all your excellent work. We all miss you enormously - but it's reassuring to know that there is someone who genuinely cares about people in amongst all that chaos.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just to remind everybody the the steamers are HOT!!

Please take care when using them. Never let the actual steam end be close to you.

It is HOT!!

And please never touch the silver end - as it is HOT!!

Once again - the Steamer gets HOT!!

Can you tell I've just burnt myself?!