Oxfam in the West End

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



…….. but you can call me ‘the beauty’

I started in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop in May 2007 – at the suggestion of one of my friends!

My favourite song ever is ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for’ by U2.

My favourite work of art of all time – is TS Elliot – A Lovesong of Mr. Pruprock.

The best book I have ever read is Love Story by Eric Segal.

I was born far away – in a land named Korea – South – of course!

The place I would most love to live is right here in London!

My favourite journey so far – was a shopping trip to Tokyo – Japan!

The two times I have been my happiest were when I found a gorgeous pair of shoes – and when I found a gorgeous date!!

When I grow up I want to be a singer.

My favourite colour is white – and I am an Aries.

My favourite meal? Oooooooo – everything with high calories.

The three people I would invite over for a meal would be: Madonna – I want to experience her Karisma!, Johnny Depp – I want to have a bottle of wine with him, Boy George – I would love to have a dance with him – I’ve heard a lot about hime – but am not too sure why he’s so famous?!

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it is interesting to find out what people want to throw away!


  • Hello. My name is Lenny. Sorry I am not use to BLOGs so I apologize if I am breaking some rules here. I just noticed that you are in Oxfam, and are from Busan, South Korea. I am hoping to teach there in a few months time, and I was wondering if you knew if Oxfam has offices there?

    please contact me if you get the chance - el.gato.solido@gmail.com

    thank you very much

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:26 AM, March 27, 2008  

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