Oxfam in the West End

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Monica sends a huge THANKYOU to everyone that visited her at the St. Johns Hospice. She was very bored there - and the visits cheered her up no end.

She has now moved to Hampshire - and knows that it is a lot further to visit - but will welcome anyone who feels like going out - to share the gossip of the Drury Lane shop.

Please see the message book under the till to get her new adress & telephone number. Please do give her a call beforehand to let her know you're coming. And also let Bill know when you're going - so that he can give you the next pile of books that she is racing through.

I know that you all join me in wishing Monica the speediest of recoveries - and hope to have her back training us all up in sorting & pricing - as soon as she feels well enough.

Monica - we all miss & love you enormously - get well soon and come in for a cuppa as quick as you can.