Oxfam in the West End

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hi there

I’m trying this additional method of communication to get us all singing the same song.

This will not replace the message book, meetings, 1:1’s, cups of teas, smoke breaks, notice boards, etc – but will be just one more tool to give us ALL a bit more information!

Please feel free to add any comments to any of the topics – simply follow the instructions – and dive right on in.

As is the case inside the shop - the more of us participating in this additional method of spreading ideas, stories, jokes, news, etc – the better for all of us. But please remember that not everyone in the shop is internet literate – so please try and duplicate your contribution in the shop message book.





I have been a volunteer in both the Drury Lane & Earlham Street Oxfam shops since February 2001.

I had been a customer for about 20 year – and then I saw an advert for volunteers – and I snapped up the chance immediately.

I don’t have a best musical album – and I don’t understand art – but the best book I’ve read recently was about the Third Reich called the Mastership Game.

I was born in Argentina – but ideally I would love to live in England or Scotland.

My favourite journey is the one coming in to work here at Oxfam.

The places I have been happiest were in Cyprus & here in London.

My favourite colour is yellow – and my star sign is Cancer.

For my favourite meal of shepherds pie & roast turkey – I would invite Craig McLean (because he is a good friend) – Sean Connery (because his life story is great) – and Cherry Booth (because she is an outstanding woman).

I love volunteering for Oxfam because the shops are good for everyone!!


…… but you can call me Dani.

I started volunteering in The Drury Lane Oxfam shop in August 2005 – because I wanted to try and improve my English – and also because I wanted to work in my free time.

My favourite album of all time is Revolucion de Amor by Mana – a Mexican group.

My favourite artists/architects are Gaudi & Calatrava.

The best book I have so far read – is a Portuguese book called Capitais ai Areia.

I was born in Santiago – Chile – but ideally would love to live in Mexico.

My favourite journey is to any beach.

I am happiest when I am with my family & friends – and when I can do what I like.

When I grow up – I want to be a good architect and be happy.

My favourite colour is yellow and I am a Gemini.

My favourite meal is bife and chips – and I would love to eat this with my parents and best friend – because all are very important to me.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I can meet very different people – and I can help people to maybe build a better future.
Daniela has now returned to Mexico - with a much larger English vocabulary - and many fond memories of the Drury Lane shop. She sends all her love - and her postal adress is in the shop message book if anyone wants to catch up.