Oxfam in the West End

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



…….. but you can call me ‘the beauty’

I started in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop in May 2007 – at the suggestion of one of my friends!

My favourite song ever is ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for’ by U2.

My favourite work of art of all time – is TS Elliot – A Lovesong of Mr. Pruprock.

The best book I have ever read is Love Story by Eric Segal.

I was born far away – in a land named Korea – South – of course!

The place I would most love to live is right here in London!

My favourite journey so far – was a shopping trip to Tokyo – Japan!

The two times I have been my happiest were when I found a gorgeous pair of shoes – and when I found a gorgeous date!!

When I grow up I want to be a singer.

My favourite colour is white – and I am an Aries.

My favourite meal? Oooooooo – everything with high calories.

The three people I would invite over for a meal would be: Madonna – I want to experience her Karisma!, Johnny Depp – I want to have a bottle of wine with him, Boy George – I would love to have a dance with him – I’ve heard a lot about hime – but am not too sure why he’s so famous?!

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it is interesting to find out what people want to throw away!



No nickname as yet – still waiting to be given one.

I have been here at the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since February 2007.

I joined because I wanted to contribute more to society.

My favourite group of all time is Queen.

As far as art goes – my favourite artist is Raphael.

I can read anything by Tolstoy!

I was born in Germany – but ideally I would want to live right in the centre of London – in a big house – with a big garden – communally.

My favourite journey is anywhere in my dreams.

The time & place I have been happiest was thirty years ago in France.

I hope I wont grow up anymore – I am what I want to be already.

My favourite colour is purple – and I am an Aries.

My favourite meals are beau salads.

The three people I would love to have a lovely meal with are Heather, Sasha & Dave – for good fun and conversation.
I love volunteering for Oxfam because it has a great atmosphere & I feel like I am doing something worthwhile.



……….. but you can call me Chocho.

I started in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop on Mayday 2007.

I decided to join Oxfam to help many people in the world. I also wanted to improve my English – and working here means I can mix learning English and working for a good reason!

My favourite group is a French group called Suprême NTM.

My favourite work of art of all time has got to be the Eiffel Tower.

The best book I have ever read is Le Petit Prince (or The Little Prince in English), by the French aviator - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

I was born in Grenoble – in France – but I guess I would love to live in Australia.

I think that my best journey was when I discovered my first foreign country – which was Ireland.

I was definently happiest when I was surrounded by my entire family – especially my grand mother – but I am only 20 years old – so watch this space.

Most of all when I grow up – I would like to be ‘a good boy’.

I think my favourite colour is blue – I am a Virgo – and my favourite food is anything beefy.

The three people I would love to invite to a meal at the moment are: Sarkosy – to know why he says so much boolshit, Le Pen – to understand why he’s so racist – and Segolene Royal – to understand why she didn’t become France’s president.
I love volunteering for Oxfam because the other volunteers are so open & sympathetic. Also because I feel I am working for others who need our help. I like learning & understanding the importance of working for other people.



I started in the Drury Lane shop on the 12th may 2007 because I want to help people in less developed countries. Also - it’s fun coming here – and to help organise the shop.

My favourite album of all time is the soundtrack to High School Musical

The best book I have ever read is Lola Rose by Jacqueline-Wilson.

I was born in Quador in South America – but ideally I would love to live in Italy.

My favourite journey so far – has been travelling around France.

When I grow up – I would like to be either a teacher – or a doctor.

My favourite colour is baby blue – I am a leo – and I absolutely love pizza.
I love volunteering for Oxfam because it’s fun & I get to meet loads of new people!



……… but – if you really can’t pronounce that – please call be John.

I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane shop since the 2nd of May 2007.

I decided to join Oxfam as a volunteer as I came to London to study English - & I wanted to practice talking English to lots of customers & co-workers.

I was born in Busan in South Korea – but I really love it here in London.

I also love volunteering for Oxfam because I feel that I am playing a small part in helping people less fortunate than me.



…….. but you can call me Ales.

I started working in Drury Lane on the 1st of May 2007 – because it is a great solution to improve my English, work in an English shop – and help other people in the world!

My favourite music has got to be French rap music – like Booba, Soprano …..

I love da instrumental sound!!

I was born in ‘La Tronche’ – near Grenoble City – in France.

The place in the world I would most like to live – is either back home in France – or in Portugal – the sunny part!!

My favourite journey ever – was following the French soccer team winning the world cup in 1988!

The time I was the happiest so far – was at a party before my departure for this job! All my friends were there!

When I grow up – all I want is a good job.

My favourite colours are black & white.

My favourite meal is anything that my mother cooks – but especially her Lasagne!

Three people I would love to invite a meal would be my girlfriend – to have many French kisses, my team of friends – so we can joke and be crazy – and maybe come up with new ideas for a new rap sound, & my best friend – to go to a club afterwards!

I love volunteering for Oxfam as I think this shop has the best solution for helping people who don’t have resources – in my mind – the implication is that it is not ‘lost time’.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


This is how it should be everyone!

If we all brought along another friend, sister, brother, neighbour, classmate, chess opponent, etc - not only will we have more volunteers to do the funky things we do - but - 'cos you already know them - the ice is half-broken.

you can introduce them to the rest of us without anyone feeling too shy.

Andrea has introduced her lil' sista Keyla to our Drury Lane shop - and guess what? She loves it!!

As Andrea filled her in about most of what she does here - and so it was quicker & easier for Keyla to get into the swing of things.

Look out for Keyla's very interesting 'meet.........' in a few days.

Welcome Keyla!!


Many Thanks

A huge thanks to Miriana for completely overhauling our clothing section of the Drury Lane shop!!

She worked with all of us showing many hints, tips, shortcuts & stunning displays!!

Of course - thanks need to go to everyone who helped her - but especially Andrea - who worked exceptionally hard!!

And many thanks to Derek Sims of the Oxfam Skill Bank - who arranged for Mariana to be on loan from the Hampstead Oxfam shop for this week! We owe you Derek!

The trick - now....... is to maintain the high standards we have!!

Once again - thanks Mariana - we will miss you!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Monica Candy

Sadly - our longest serving volunteer - Monica has passed away after a short illness.

Monica has been a volunteer ever since the Drury Lane shop opened - way back in 1980!! In that time - every single one of us has passed through her training course in fashion, sorting & pricing. She has been the one consistent voice in the shop - and I am not alone in saying that I feel slightly rudderless at the moment.

We will all greatly miss her amazing warmth, friendship, guidance, patience (especially those not overly familiar with fashion trends) - but above all - her stories of her life as a nurse throughout the worlds refugee camps & tales of the Drury Lane shops history.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Spanish Goodbye!!

There were tearful scenes in Oxfam Drury Lane recently - when Merce & Carles left us!!

They have both recently got paid work here in London - & nipped back to Spain for a quick break before starting.

Sóna is trying to persuade them to continue on the odd Saturday - so there is hope that we'll see Merce's beautiful smile behind our till again.

Merce & Carles - we all wish you all the very best for your new jobs - but please come & visit us whenever you can!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006



I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since September 2005 – and I joined because I wanted to understand more about international poverty – and I wanted to make some friends.

I don’t really have a favourite album – but I like any old Hindi songs – because Old Is Gold!!

Again – I don’t have a favourite work of art – I believe all art is beautiful.

Books?! – I’ve never ever got around to finishing a book – ever!

I was born in London – but ideally would love to live somewhere in the Caribbean.

I love going on road trips every day – is a day to enjoy!

The time & place I was happiest were in my childhood – how I would love to get them back! Those days were the sweetest!

I’m not too sure what I want to do when I grow up – I don’t like to plan – I want life to take me where it takes me!

I love all the colours of the rainbow & my star sign is Capricorn.

For my favourite meal of delicious Indian food – I would invite Amiiabh Bachan – who is a famous Indian movie star. That man in his lifetime – has made so many movies that touch the heart – and he is so brilliant at acting – that it would be a shame if I ever missed out meeting him (let’s face it – it’s never going to happen – but never say never!)

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it makes me feel good knowing that I am making a difference to peoples lives – who don’t live as good a life as us all. So giving time make’s a big difference – believe it or not.



I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane shop since September 1997 (!) – and joined because I wanted to help a good cause - & of course – meet new friends.

My favourite album of all time has got to be Beethoven’s – Symphony No. 6.

The best piece of art that I’ve ever seen is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

And the best book I’ve so far read is definitely I Claudius by Robert Graves.

I was born in Mashed – which is in Iran – but if I had to choose an ideal place to live – it would have to be in Dubai.

My favourite journey so far has been the Silk Road – from Pakistan by road to China.

The place I have been happiest was in Algiers in Algeria – North Africa.

I am a teacher – My favourite colour is green – and my star sign is Cancer.

For my favourite meal of chow mien – I would invite Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Mohammed Ali & Jina all together!!

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it is fun coming here. I meet lots of nice people both as volunteers – and as customers.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


This is a request from all the Earlham Street crew for Bill to pop over here every morning as well.

We have sampled your famous coffee in Drury Lane a few times now - only to come back to Earlham Street for drab old (fair trade) instant coffee. IT JUST AINT THE SAME!!

Bill - if you have any spare time on your brewing round in the morning - come on over & get a fresh pot on the go for us here as well - pleeeezzzzzzzz.......


The work in Earlham Street is well under way! We are having a complete redecorating of the shop fascia (that's the front of the shop to you & me) - and it's already looking great.

This will make a huge difference to the way it looks to us - but a bit more importantly - to the public!

Let's continue to make the changes inside as well. We need to prove to Oxfam that we are worth staying in Earlham Street by increasing our customer support, our donators, our appeal to prospective volunteers - and of course our takings!!

If we start looking better inside - as well as outside - we'll make a massive difference to all the people we raise money for!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

This just in from Om

The following is the 3rd June blog from the always entertaining & very funny blogsite(http://om87.spaces.msn.com/) of the handsomest dude we have volunteering for us:

03 June
Hey everyone,

As we all pack off and head home for the summer, I'm sure there's loads of stuff we simply don't need.

This is to urge everyone to donate their excess to charity at Oxfam. The closest Oxfam store to the LSE is 23, Drury Lane, which is 7 minutes from Houghton Street, 5 minutes from Grosvenor House and 3 minutes from High Holborn. Or else, you can find the store closest to where you live here> http://www.multimap.com/clients/places.cgi?client=oxfam3

Just to let you know - an old shirt can fetch as much as 6 pounds. 6 pounds can feed a 100 schoolchildren from an under-developed country for a day. So your old shirt could make the difference between whether these children stay at school or not; or whether they go hungry that day or not. As students, I'm sure we can all well appreciate how difficult it is to study on an empty stomach.

Choose well!

Thanks Om - although it is squarely aimed at the rest of you LSEers - there is no reason why we can't all send a similar message to all of the other student pals we have in any of the other Unis represented here at Oxfam. We are all soon heading off home for the summer - and I know that I definitely won't fit into my last summers wardrobe - so bring it in next time you have a shift at either shop!



I have been volunteering here in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since 14 June 2006 – and joined in order to practise my English (I’m from Poland), to help people less fortunate than me & and to meet and make new friends.

I don’t really have any favourite music – I guess I like almost anything!!

I was born in Hrubiezow – I’m sure you don’t know where it is – but it’s in Poland.

My favourite journey can be anywhere - as long as it’s somewhere hot & sunny.

When I grow up I want to be a successful translator.

My favourite meal has got to be any pancakes – served in many various ways.