Oxfam in the West End

Thursday, January 19, 2006



I have been a volunteer at both the Drury Lane & Earlham Street stores since January last year – in response to the Oxfam Tsunami Appeal.

If I had to choose from all the kinds of music I like – I would possibly go for anything from Jimi Hendix.

I don’t have a favourite piece of art as such – but very much like works by Picasso, Salvador Dali and MC Esher.

The best book I have ever read has got to be ‘The Alchemist’ by Paul Coelho.

I was born in Paris France – but would love to live anywhere – as long as it is close to the sea.

My favourite journey is to anywhere – providing the means of travelling is by train.
The time & place I have been happiest was growing up in the French countryside – and then in a house in London.

When I grow up I want to be an artist.

My favourite colour is green, I am an Aquarian – and my favourite meal is a full English breakfast.

Three people I would invite for a meal together would be Winston Churchill – who was an interesting character – my great-grandfather – who was an inventor (and I never met him) – and any well known scientist – for us all to debate the origins of the earth.

I love volunteering for Oxfam as I like the people I meet here – and I like old things (these two reasons are not related).


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