Oxfam in the West End

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Audit Results for Earlham Street

Hi everyone

As you already know - we have had audits done in both shops recently - and - as this blog is read by the majority of us - I want to share the results with you.

Of course - most of these points you will have read many times in the shop message book - and - these will still be repeated AGAIN in the message books and notice boards - and I am in the process of chatting to you each individually about the results. But all these points need to be addressed immediately - and as we don't all come in each day - and I can count how many hits we've had on this site - and know how effective it is in keeping you up to date.

Although this posting concerns only Earlham Street - as we have a lot of shared volunteers in both the shops - it would be useful for everyone to still read it. There is a separate posting for Drury Lane.

Right - here goes:

There is going to be a filing cabinet installed in the new office after the re-fit – and all essential paperwork will have it’s rightful place to be stored. I will show everyone where to do all the storing personally.

I will be signing all SA3’s from now on - and filing them with the relevant SA2.

The banking will be done every day as soon as I have recruited a new banker.

We are getting the building department to install a panic button under the till so that it only rings in the other rooms - and not just behind the perpetrators - thus making you feel more venerable.

We will not open the shop with only one volunteer from now on.

Please do not ever confront a difficult customer.

We are discussing a number of security options for the new shop – including the use of security tagging the garments.

We must continue to fill out a new seal for the bottom of the Donation Box - with two people each time. These are kept at the back of the Shop Message Book at the moment – but when we recruit a new banker – will be stored in the safe.

There is a new donation receipt book for the ‘Unwrapped’ donations – please read the instructions for it’s use on the rear inside cover.

We will gladly give any customer a refund - providing it was bought within the last 3 weeks, it still has the price tag attached - and the customer has a receipt. Please fill out the receipt book in triplicate, and have it countersigned by another volunteer. Never ever take the Refund Policy down again.

The 'Staff Purchase Register' (green book under the till) is still not being used by everyone who buys something from the shop. Please make sure that you fill it out each & every time you purchase an item from the shop.

There is now a 'Valuables Register' under the till as well. Should we receive a donation (not money!) that you feel is worth more than our usual donations - please list it in this book.

I have had a word with Charlie at everyone's favourite market stall - and he is still adamant that he will not write a receipt out for your lunch allowance - 'too busy y'see mate' - but we all know that there are heaps of other delis, shops, bakeries, sandwich shops, etc around - so why not give them your business instead of someone so unco-operative. Remember - you are entitled to spend up to £5 - and from now on - it will only be paid by Oxfam if you produce a receipt.

If possible - please try and get a receipt for you day travel card when you get it in the morning. I know you can't get it from the ticket machines - but if the queues at the counter are not too long - please try and get one.

So there you have it - a rather comprehensive list of all the things we failed during the last audit. Please remember that these points are all there to protect you & our supporters. We need to meet these easy & basic requirements in order to make Oxfam, it's money, staff, customers, donations, and future supporters feel that everything we do is in all our good interests.


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