Oxfam in the West End

Wednesday, January 25, 2006



I have been a volunteer in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since September 2005 – and found out that it needed volunteers by a nice letter coming through my door.
(This was the one that Isobel spent a whole day distributing amongst her neighbours).

I was born in Alexandria, Louisiana, USA

My best musical album of all time is Long Neck Bud by Edi Chin.

My favourite work of art is Peter Hujar’s Tatooed Feet.

The best book I’ve ever read would have to be either the last, or next one.

The one place I would love to live is right here & now – and my favourite journey is around the world – going west.

The place & time I have been the happiest was studying by the side of the road, surrounded by miles of wheat fields – with the big sky of Saskatchewan above – or in the middle of the road under the Northern Lights! Yeah!

My favourite colour is green - I’m a Leo.

For my favourite meal - which has got to be duck gumbo – I would invite my husband & my best girlfriends – one from London & one from New Orleans.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I meet so many interesting, diverse & fun people – whilst doing good!!!


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