Oxfam in the West End

Friday, November 25, 2005



I have been a volunteer at the Drury Lane shop since 14 November 2005 and I joined in order to improve my English & meet people who come from many different countries.

I like all kinds of music – but my favourite piece of art is the Joconde.

My best books to read are all of the Agatha Christie books.

I was born in Nancy in France – but ideally would love to live on a sea island.
I have not travelled much – so my best journey has been here to the Unirted Kingdom.

The times I have been happiest were when I meet new, interresting and nice people.

My favourite colour is grey – my star sign is Capricorn and my best meals are chicken, pasta, & for the best meal I would love to invite my whole family – all five of us.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because the people are very interresting and very nice – they are from many different countries – and each of them has different stories to tell.

Charles has now gone back to France. In the month he spent with us - he impressed us all with his great enthusiasm & hard work!! Charles - you are welcome back anytime!!

This is just another reminder to everyone who wants to get a little more involved in Oxfam's campaigning activities.

On the right hand side you will find a link to the Central London Oxfam Campaigns Group!

This amazing bunch of people meet in the Drury Lane shop on the second Tuesday of each month @ 7.00pm - after we have finished trading. Here they plan all kinds of incredible events, cunning stunts and beautiful happenings. The campaigns are varied - but the common theme is exactly the same as ours in the shops - we all want to alleviate poverty - wherever it is.

Just have a look at some of the photos and you'll get a sliver of flavour as to what they do.

So if you're interested in joining the group - simply click on the link & get in touch. Or better still - volunteer on any second Tuesday afternoon shift in the Drury Lane shop - and hang around after closing.

Have fun!

Booooo Hooooooooooo!!

Today is a very sad day for all of us in the two shops!! After months of excellent friendship from Yuko - we are waving goodbye to her. She is returning to Japan - and we are all going to miss her terrribly.

Yuko - in many ways you were so perfect for Oxfam:

Your exquisite fashion sense was an inspiration to all the customers
Your friendship was a joy for us all to recieve
Your SMILE is still etched in all our minds
Your encouragement led to many more new recruits - both from your school - and by converting shoppers into volunteers
Your HARD work put most of us to shame
Your dedication to Oxfam and it's aims & objectives was faultless
Your kindness was a blessing to those who needed a warm shoulder




were a pleasure to work alongside for ALL of us!

We wish you and Pablo all the very best for the future.



I have been a volunteer at the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since the 14 November 2005. I joined as a work placement trainee – and as I have to work free of charge – I prefer to do it for a charitable organisation.

My best album of all time is Woodstock (1969).

In my spare time I like listening to music and surfing the web.

My favourite book is Les Justes by Camus.

I was born in France but ideally I would love to live somewhere in Africa.
My favourite journey so far has been to Ivory Coast, which is where I have been the happiest. I spent my military service there teaching textile designs to locals.

My favourite colour is blue and my star sign is Aquarius.

My favourite meal has got to be grilled lobster.

The three people I would invite to a meal would be my father, mother & wife – because my father has passed away – but he was fond of a good meal.
I love volunteering for Oxfam because it’s an international organisation which fights poverty everywhere – and has no religious or political ideologies.

Alain is now back in France. Alain - thanks for all the great political conversations you had with us - we all learnt so much from you. Please visit when you're next in London.



I have been a volunteer in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since November 2005 and joined to give my free time and meet lots of new people. I would also love to improve my English.

My two favourite musicians of all time are Edith Piaf & Beethoven. My best kind of art is architectural design.

The best book I have ever read is "Monsieur Maussene" by Daniel Pennac which is a French book. I have not yet read an English book.

I was born in Avrandes in Normandy, France – but don’t really mind where I live – but for the moment I like London. My favourite journey so far has been through Romania.

I can’t think of where & when I have been the happiest – I try to be happy all the time.

When I grow up I want to be a good & famous Quantity Surveyor.

My favourite colour is white and my star sign is Scorpio.

I don’t really have a favourite meal – I just like to cook & eat lots of food.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it’s fun and cool – as I can meet a lot of people & I am spending my free time helping others.

Coralie has now left us for a major international company - but will help out on the odd spare Saturday morning. Congratulations Coralie - on your fantastic new job. If ever we need a top class quantity surveyor - we all know who to call!!



I volunteer in the Drury Lane shop – and have been here since 14 November 2005. I joined as I think it is a good idea to help the poor – and also to improve my English.

My favourite group are the Red Hot Chilli Peppers – but I like listening – and singing along with all kinds of music.

The best book I’ve read was Carrie by Stephen King.

I was born in Nancy, France – but would love to live in Annecy (also France).

My favourite journey so far has been here to London – as it’s the perfect choice to perfect my English.

The place I have been most happy was with my boyfriend on holiday in Annecy in 2004.

My favourite colour is blue and my star sign is Aries (Belier in French).

My favourite meal is the pizza cooked by my Italian grandmother.

For my most perfect meal I would love to invite three poor people – because they would need it – and it would great to make them happy.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because everybody here is happy. I like the customers as well because they can buy cheap things & I like the volunteers who make the world better – and I like the fact that poor people get help from Oxfam.

Audrey has returned to France - and has just got engaged!! Congratulations to you both - please let us know any future plans - especially if the honeymoon somehow involves London.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Many happy returns to Monica - who has the fantastic honour to be our longest serving volunteer. (But hey - we have an arrangement not to mention any dates or numbers of years.)
Monica - please have a fantastic year - and we'll all get together again same time next year.
Happy Birthday!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005



I started volunteering in Drury Lane Oxfam shop in September 2004 – mainly to improve my English.

My favourite pop group is a Japanese group called – Mr. Children.

My favourite artist is And Warhol.

The best book I’ve read so far is a Japanese novel called Yokubou.

I was born in Japan – but would ideally love to live in Amsterdam, Holland.

My favourite journey is going to places I have never been to before.

I have been happiest eating really delicious food with my boyfriend.

When I grow up I want to be a very happy woman.

My favourite colour is pink – and I am an Aries.

My favourite meal is Sushi (of course) and ideally - whenever I eat it - I like to invite my boyfriends family – Louis, Margarita & Havier – because they treat me very well when I am in their home.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I can meet people from many different countries – and have great conversations with them.

Yuko (and Havier) have now settled back in Japan.

Yuko - keep rocking on over there in Yokohama - the world needs many more peace campaigners!!
Havier - how do the locals like your world famous Paella dish?
We wish both of you all the very best for your future - let us know how many babies you both make okay?!



I have been volunteering in Drury Lane Oxfam shop since February 2004 – and I joined because I wanted to meet new people to make friends with – and to practice speaking English. I also wanted to do something helpful.

The music I like best is most tracks by Abba.

My favourite work of art is the Statue of Liberty.

The best book I have ever read is Wuthering Heights.

I was born in Hokkaido Japan – but ideally I would love to live in Mallorca, Spain.

I am happiest when I am chatting with my friends – it could be anywhere.

My favourite colours are pink & yellow and my star sign is Cancer.

I love relaxing and eating nice food – especially Japanese food – very especially deep fried prawn okonomiyaki. The best people to have a meal with are my husband and friends – because I like them.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because everyone is kind and nice – and I also want to do something to help people – even though I can only do something small.



I have been a volunteer in the Drury Lane & Earlham Street Oxfam shops since April 2005.

I joined as a volunteer as I wanted to help people less fortunate than me.

My favourite singer has got to be Frank Sinatra.

My favourite work of art is definitely the Sunflowers by Van Gogh.

The best book I have read is the Autobiography of Lance Armstrong (4 times Tour De France winner & testicular cancer campaigner).

I was born in Vietnam and it is my favourite place to live – but the best journey I have had has been around Amsterdam in Holland.

My two favourite colours are white & black.

For my ideal meal – I would love to eat Japanese food – and invite Yoshiko, Isobel and Harumi (fellow volunteers) – because they are all very friendly.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I like working for charity and helping people.



……. but you can call me Benjy – as my surname is Benjamin.

I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop on Saturdays since the 15th August 2005.

I joined to make a difference in my life – and other people’s lives.

My best album of all time is definitely Queens – A Night At The Opera.

My favourite work of art has to be The Laughing Cavalier by Frans Hals.

And the best book I’ve read is The Day Of The Jackal by Frederick Forsythe.

I was born in Luton in Bedfordshire – but ideally I would love to live in Williamsburg in Virginia – in the USA.

My favourite journey is going to a port or airport – to go on holiday.

The time I have been happiest was in my year out after A Levels.

I never want to grow up – I’m just a kid at heart.

My favourite colour is blue – so it should come as no surprise that I am an Aquarius.

For my favourite meal of pasta – I would invite Hitler, Stalin & Pol Pot to ask them why they caused so much misery and devastation to people’s lives.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it is a place where I can meet my friends and help others at the same time.



I started volunteering in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop in August 2005.

I joined because it’s a really great job & and I can do something which may help others.

The best book I have ever read has got to be Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.

I was born in Zhengzhou in The Peoples Republic of China – but ideally I would love to live in Beijing – the capital of PR China.

My favourite journey so far has been travelling through Europe.

I am happiest when I’m at home with my family & friends.

When I grow up I want to be a nutritionist.

My favourite colours are light & dark blue.

For my favourite Chinese meal I would love to invite all my friends to celebrate my birthday.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because what I do will help a lot of people.



I joined the Drury Lane Oxfam shop in July 2005.

I mainly joined because I wanted to give my spare time to a charity.

I was born in Gravesend – in Kent – South East England.

My two favourite journeys so far have been down the west of the United States of America – and in Switzerland.

The time & place I have been the happiest was around 1987 – 1990 – living near where I am now in Victoria & Pimlico, London.

My star sign is Taurus – and my favourite colours are Blue & yellow.



I joined Oxfam in Drury Lane in April ’05 because I am very interested in voluntary work – and also I love to meet lots of people from different countries.

My favourite song is Every Breath You Take by The Police.

I love reading Yukio Mishima’s books.

I was born in Hiroshima in Japan – but would love to live in Hawaii.

My favourite journey at the moment is anywhere around the UK.

I am happiest - here & now!!

When I grow up I want to be a great woman.

My two favourite colours are pink & yellow – and my star sign is Virgo.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because all the other volunteers are very kind – and the work is fun for me to do!!!



I started in the Earlham Street Oxfam shop in July ’05.

I have always been interested in volunteering – so in my free time I chose to come to Oxfam and help out.

My favourite artist is Picasso.

I was born in Japan – but ideally I would love to live here in London.

My favourite journey is always one near any seaside.

The place & time where I am happiest is on Saturday mornings – in bed.

My favourite colour is White – and my star sign is Sagittarius.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I want to make poverty history!!

Miki has now taken that charming smile all the way back to Japan. Miki we all wish you the best of luck with the new fashion venture - become very famous - and then return to visit us as a celeb!!



…….. but you can call me Mo if you want.

I have been volunteering here at the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since June 2005 – and I joined because I enjoy helping people & making sure all my customers are happy in what they buy.

My favourite musical is Gone With The Wind – but as I’m not too keen on reading books – I prefer curling up with a good video.

I was born in Birmingham – but ideally I would love to live somewhere out in the country.

My favourite journey is coming into work here in Oxfam – and that’s where I am happiest.

My favourite colours are lilac & lemon – and I’m a Taurus.

For my ideal meal I would have Indian & West Indian food – and invite my boss and his family – for making me very happy in my work.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because the people always have a smile & kind word to say to you. Also – a few of the customers and I have exchanged phone numbers – and we have become good friends.



I volunteer in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop – and I started in August 2004.

I decided to join Oxfam when my school started a social program with Sóna – and I wanted to improve my English even more. But now I volunteer because of all the fun we have – and of course – to meet new friends.

My favourite artist is Dali & and the best book I’ve read so far is Sat.

I was born in Yokohama in Japan – but I love travelling around Italy.

I guess the place I’m happiest is in my room – in the evening.

When I grow up – I want to be a fashion designer.

I can’t decide which is my favourite colour – I really don’t know……. I’d have to say……… All of them!!!

My star sign is Aries.

For the most ideal meal – I would invite all my friends – because they love my dinner. My favourite meal is anything with Chicken.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I can speak to people from many different countries, meet new friends – and have lots of fun!!!



I started volunteering For Oxfam Earlham Street in April ’05.

I love Oxfam shops for many reasons - but I joined because – mostly I’m into second hand fashion – so I am very happy to work here.

My best album of all time is the first one by Franz Ferdinand.

My favourite artist is Jean Brands.

I love every book Juzo Itami has ever written.

I was born in Japan – but would love to live here in London.

At the moment – my favourite journey is to the hometown of new friends I meet here in London.

When I grow up I want to be a nice mother.

My star sign is Aquarius & my favourite colour is cream.

My favourite meal is pasta with mushrooms.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I like to shop where I am volunteering. I love meeting new people and doing very creative window displays.



……….. but you can call me Haru Haru.

I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane and Edgware Road shops since July 2005.

I joined because I wanted to meet a lot of people and practice my English – but now I absolutely LOVE working here.

My best bit of music is Mozart’s 40th Symphony – and my favourite book is a Japanese one called Snow Country.

I was born in Japan – but ideally I would love to live in New York.

My favourite hobby is playing the electric organ.

When I grow up I want to be a Japanese teacher.

My favourite colours are pink & black – and I am a Capricorn.

For best meal to eat is sushi and for my best meal companions – I’d invite all my friends I have made here in Oxfam.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I can practice my English all day long!



……… but you can call me Grouttie (it’s a plumbing/DIY thing!)

I have been a volunteer in the Drury Lane shop since January 1996.

I joined because I have always wanted to help others to live a better and happier life.

My favourite group is Kansas – they’re an American band with a wicked fiddler in the line-up.

The best book I have ever read has got to be The Bible.

I was born in Dullwich here in London – but could live anywhere as long as it’s wonderful.

When I grow up I would love to be a happier person.

I guess I have no real favourite colour – or maybe they are all my favourite – and my star sign is Cancer.

My favourite meal is spaghetti bolognaise.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it does very important work – and I’m very glad to be a part of it.



I have been volunteering in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop on Saturdays since October 2005.

I joined to do something useful with my spare time & I am also quite interested in development work.

I am a very indecisive person – so can’t decide what my best music & artist is – but the best book I’ve ever read is Memoirs Of A Geisha.

I was born in Sherjah in the United Arab Republic (near Dubai) – but would ideally love to live in New York – or….. Tokyo – or…… London (told you I was indecisive).

When I am older I would like to do something useful (not an investment banker!)

My favourite colour is pink – and I am an Aries.

My best meal is anything with chocolate in it.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I love organising things – as sad as that sounds!