Oxfam in the West End

Friday, January 27, 2006



I started here in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop on the 26 January 2006 because – with my spare time - I wanted to help people much poorer than us here in the West.

My favourite group has got to be Guns & Roses.

The best piece of art I have seen in definitely the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

The best book I have so far read is The Godfather by Mario Puzo.

I was born in Bangladesh – but I would like to settle here in the UK now.

My favourite journey was when I first went to India – and that’s when I was the happiest – that – and when I came here to the UK to get married.

My favourite colours are blue & black – and I am an Aquarian.

For my favourite meal of pizza – I would love to invite my wife, Natsumi & Van because they are all lovely people.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it allows me to help the world’s poorest people.

After volunteering 6 days a week for just over 4 months - Shafkat naturally got an excellent reference from us here in Oxfam. He then applied for - and got a fantastic job in one of the West End's more snooty 5-Star hotels - on the reception.

Well Done Shafkat!!

But ...... Get this:

He is still volunteering in either shop on his day off!!

Shafkat - thanks for all you are continuing to do for us here in Oxfam - you're a star!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006



I started in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop on the 23rd of January 2006 because I am a student at Aspect College (English Language College around the corner) – and I have a little time to help. I like your great aim to help people


I really like all music – but if I had to choose – I’d say the Rolling Stones.

My favourite works of art – are just about everything by Salvador Dali.

The best book I have ever read is a French book called La Prophetie des Andes.

I was born in Paris – France – but ideally I would love to live on the moon.

My favourite journeys so far have been to Tahiti – because it was so far – but I also loved New York, and Venice, and, and, and …….

I am pretty much happy all over the world – as long as I’m with great people – just conversing and getting along with them.

Although I’m 54 years old – when I grow up I’d like to help many people with all my skills & experiences.

My favourite colour is the yellow of the sun & I’m a Leo.

For my favourite meal of pasta – I’d invite John Fitzgerald Kennedy – because he was a strong leader – Mick Jagger – because he is a great artist & showman – and The Dalai Lama – to have great philosophical conversations with.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it’s a good humanitarian cause – and all the staff are volunteers who give their spare time to help make a better world.

Patric has now learnt enough English - and has returned to France. Patric - thanks for all the great Jazz conversations over the sorting desk! I still think Coleman Hawkins is better than Charlie Parker - anyday!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006



I have been a volunteer in this Drury Lane Oxfam shop since November 2005 and I joined after hearing a street preacher in Oxford Circus say: You spend all your time buying things you don’t need – stop ignoring your starving neighbour in need."

My best album of all time is Origin of Symmetry by Muse.

My favourite piece of art is Bliss by David Slade.

The best book I’ve read so far is The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

I was born in Birmingham England but I love living here in London right now.

My favourite journey is walking up Harrow on the Hill at sunset.

The time & place I was the happiest was at a Muse gig at Earls Court in 2004 with my friends.

When I grow up I want to be a journalist or somehow working in the media.

My favourite colour is red – I am a Leo – and my favourite dish is chicken Caesar salad.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because the atmosphere is great, meeting so many new people from all over the world is great – and knowing I’m doing something to help – however insignificant – is great.



I started volunteering in the Oxfam shops in Drury Lane & Ealing Broadway in June 2004 – in order to use my free time to work towards ending poverty.

My best album of all time is Kiss Me Kate by Cole Porter.

I’m not too sure of the name of my favourite piece of art – but it’s the one with drooping watches in the desert by Salvador Dali.

I was born in London – but ideally would love to live in Hawaii, Rome, Paris – or even here in London.

My favourite journey so far – was driving from Boston down to New Orleans.

The place I have been happiest was swimming in warm water with tropical fish all around me.

When I grow up I want to be a writer.

My favourite colours are purple, red & blue – and I am a Scorpio.

For my favourite meal of Lobster & Rabe, Sweetcorn & Clams – I would invite Frieda Kahlo, Joan of Arc & Sarah Bernhardt.

I love volunteering for Oxfam as it gives me the opportunity to work with Oxfam & be part of their aims. Also I love meeting new people – and of course all the volunteers.

Alev (& David) have just moved back to Boston USA! Alev - thanks for all the quiet proffesionalism you gave to Drury Lane!! We will all miss you terribly - but won't lose contact.

For all those who missed Alev's final day - please stay in touch with this email adress dungadanis@yahoo.co.uk.



I started volunteering for the Drury Lane Oxfam shop on the 25 November in 2005 because I wanted to help others through Oxfam – and also to practise my English – and hopefully improve it.

The best book I have read so far has been The Alchemist – but that brilliant writer Paulo Coelho.

I was born in Spain – and co-incidentally – that is the place I would ideally love to live.

When I grow up I want to be known as a trustworthy person.

My favourite colour is green.

My star sign is Scorpio.

My favourite dish – coming from Spain – is of course – Paella!!



I started volunteering here in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop in November 2005 in order to make a contribution to the activities of Oxfam – as they are geared towards poverty alleviation & improving the lives of impoverished peoples.

My favourite artist & album is Usher’s Confession.

The best book I’ve read so far is The Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon.

I was born in Ghana – and ideally would love to live in Canada. But my favourite journey so far has been to France in December 2005.

The time & place I was happiest was in Ghana – when I was offerred a scholarship to study at the LSE.

My favourite colour is light blue & and my star sign is cancer.

For my favourite meal of fufu – I would invite Nimatu Atchulo – a very close friend, Alhassan Musah – he has been my advisor and supporter in life – and Bauug – who urged me on when things were difficult & exposed me to many opportunities in life.

I love volunteering for Oxfam as the people are lovely to work with. Also – you feel you are making a contribution to the lives of many poor people.



I have been a volunteer in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since September 2005 – and found out that it needed volunteers by a nice letter coming through my door.
(This was the one that Isobel spent a whole day distributing amongst her neighbours).

I was born in Alexandria, Louisiana, USA

My best musical album of all time is Long Neck Bud by Edi Chin.

My favourite work of art is Peter Hujar’s Tatooed Feet.

The best book I’ve ever read would have to be either the last, or next one.

The one place I would love to live is right here & now – and my favourite journey is around the world – going west.

The place & time I have been the happiest was studying by the side of the road, surrounded by miles of wheat fields – with the big sky of Saskatchewan above – or in the middle of the road under the Northern Lights! Yeah!

My favourite colour is green - I’m a Leo.

For my favourite meal - which has got to be duck gumbo – I would invite my husband & my best girlfriends – one from London & one from New Orleans.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I meet so many interesting, diverse & fun people – whilst doing good!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


……… well then – all you gotta do is follow this link:


……. to fill an application form out – and then email it to this link:


………. and we’ll do the rest!

The two Oxfam shops right here in the West End of London are the best place to do voluntary work – and nip to the British Museum or Chinatown or Leicester Square afterwards.

We all absolutely love helping set the world right – and then meeting for a fair trade coffee somewhere in Soho.

Come on ………. join us.



I have volunteered in the Drury Lane Oxfam shop since the summer of 1992.

I used to work as a manager of a day care centre in Barnet – and shortly after retiring – I missed the routine and camaraderie of working. As I was doing some courses at the City Lit across the road – I popped into the Oxfam shop and saw a poster asking for volunteers.

Biddy was on the till – and she was very enthusiastic and seemed to enjoy what she was doing – so I took an application form – and have never looked back.

The best book I’ve ever read is The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

I was born in Newport, Monmouthshire in South Wales – but ideally would love to live in the South of France again – it has a wonderful climate.

The best journey I’ve had so far was when I was much younger – and a group of three of us girls hitch hiked from France down through Europe to the Italian
Island of Ischia – just off the Bay of Naples.

I can’t remember what I wanted to be when I grew up – but I am part of a medical family – so when there was a great need for nurses in the Second World War – I immediately signed up. All you needed back then was O & A levels & Matric.

My favourite meal would be a hearty French Dinner – and I would invite Florence Nightingale – to talk nursing – Winston Churchill – because he was a great orator – and Gordon Brown – to get a good talking to by Winston.

I love volunteering for Oxfam as it gives me a very interesting occupation – and I enjoy meeting lots of diverse people.



I started volunteering at the Drury Lane shop in November 2005 in order to gain experience in working in a shop – and to improve my conversational & interpersonal skills – and to contribute back to the community.

My favourite group & album is U2’s Elevation.

The best book I’ve read so far was a biography on Elizabeth – the Virgin Queen.

I was born in Malaysia – but ideally would love to live in Madrid – Spain.

The time & place I am happiest is in my bed – right before I sleep.

When I grow up I want to be an accountant.

My favourite colour is purple – and my star sign is cancer.

For my favourite meal – which is anything with rice (!) – I would invite U2 – because they are so amazing – and my father, because he was the greatest man I know.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I get to drink free coffee, meet new friends, and learn how to use the till!! (that last one was a joke!).

Thursday, January 19, 2006



I have been a volunteer at both the Drury Lane & Earlham Street stores since January last year – in response to the Oxfam Tsunami Appeal.

If I had to choose from all the kinds of music I like – I would possibly go for anything from Jimi Hendix.

I don’t have a favourite piece of art as such – but very much like works by Picasso, Salvador Dali and MC Esher.

The best book I have ever read has got to be ‘The Alchemist’ by Paul Coelho.

I was born in Paris France – but would love to live anywhere – as long as it is close to the sea.

My favourite journey is to anywhere – providing the means of travelling is by train.
The time & place I have been happiest was growing up in the French countryside – and then in a house in London.

When I grow up I want to be an artist.

My favourite colour is green, I am an Aquarian – and my favourite meal is a full English breakfast.

Three people I would invite for a meal together would be Winston Churchill – who was an interesting character – my great-grandfather – who was an inventor (and I never met him) – and any well known scientist – for us all to debate the origins of the earth.

I love volunteering for Oxfam as I like the people I meet here – and I like old things (these two reasons are not related).



I have been volunteering at this Drury Lane shop since September 2005 and joined as I wanted to do something useful with my time.

I can’t possibly choose my favourite piece of music – as there are so many of them.

I guess my favourite piece of art would be ‘The Waterlillies’ by Monet.

The best book I have ever read is definitely The Lord Of The Rings – by JRR Tolkien.

I was born in a suburb of Paris in France – but ideally would love to live in Sydney Australia.

My Favourite Journey? There are so many of them! And most are yet to come! But I really enjoyed travelling around Mexico.

The time & place I was the most happiest was when I was travelling around the world for a year – it was the most amazing and challenging experience ever!! I am happy wherever I am really.

When I grow up I would love to be a photographer/traveller and get to meet and photograph people from all over the world.

My favourite colour is green - and I am an Aquarius.

My favourite meal is anything Asian – especially Thai, Japanese & Indian.

For my most ideal meal I would invite my friends from France, Australia and Ireland – because I don’t often have the chance to see them – and it would be nice to gather them around a delicious Asian meal!

I love volunteering for Oxfam for the same reason I joined Oxfam – I love to do something useful for others with my spare time.



I have been a volunteer in this Drury Lane store since July 2003.

I joined way back then as I had some free time during the week (I worked part-time at the time) – and thought it’d be a good idea to work for an organisation of volunteers. The flexibility of work also suits me now that I have a full time job from Mondays to Fridays – as I have now switched to Saturdays.

My favourite musical of all time has to be Mamma Mia.

And my best work of art is definitely ‘The Kiss’ by Klimt.

The best books I have ever read are – for a classic – ‘Wuthering Heights’ – and contemporary – ‘The God Of Small Things’ by Arundhati Roy.

I was born near Milan, in Italy – and I’m no too sure where I would ideally love to live – maybe Canada for a while – and Italy!!!

My favourite journey so far has been through Algeria – but I plan to travel through Latin America, India & the Middle East.

I have been happiest spending quality time with friends & loved ones - something that is sometimes taken for granted.

What do I want to be when I grow up?! GOOD QUESTION!!

Bordeaux and all the shades of blue are my favourite colours.

My star sign is a Libra.

My favourite meal? It’s easier to list what I don’t like!!

The people I would invite to a meal would be Edward Said – he may have had the solution. Michael Stipe (REM) & Souad Massi – I love their music. And then - all my friends around the world – I have not seen some in ages!!

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I hope I am contributing to making some people live a better life.



I have been a volunteer here at the Drury Lane shop since June 2005 and joined as I wanted to volunteer in my spare time – and went for Oxfam as I like what Oxfam does.

The best book I have recently read has been Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson.

I was born in Lima in Peru – and ideally would love to live in a smallish town on the Spanish Coast.

My favourite journey is the excitement of going to a completely new & different place.

I don’t have a specific place & time when I was happiest – because I have been very happy many times – but the most recent was yesterday while lunching with colleagues at work.

What do I want to be when I grow up?! I will never grow up!!!

My favourite colour depends on the season - and my star sign is Aries.

My favourite meal really depends on my current mood – but I would always invite the people I have the most fun with.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because it makes me feel a better person!

meet ........


I have been a volunteer here at the Drury Lane shop since early December 2005 – and joined to do whatever I can do – to help those less off than us.

My best album of all time is called Richord – which is a great piano album.

My favourite piece of art has to be the statue of David by Michael Angelo.
The best book I have read is a detective novel called Fulmos.

I was born in China – and ideally would love to live in Beijing. But my favourite journey so far – has been travelling through Spain.

The time & place I have been happiest was at home – with my parents, my girlfriend – and my dog.
When I grow up I would love to be a successful businessman.

My favourite colour is sky blue – and my favourite meal is anything with fish in it.

If I had to invite any people to a meal it would have to be Bill Gates – in order to build a business partnership – and Tony Blair – to learn more about leadership.

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I can meet many diverse people – and work with them as a team.



I have been volunteering in both the Earlham Street & Drury Lane shops since early December 2005 – and I joined as I wanted to get fashion industry experience in my favourite part of London – whilst doing something good for society.

The best movies I have seen have been ‘Battle Royale’ and ‘Deudas’.

I was born in London but ideally I would love to live in Japan, Malaysia, NYC, Mumbai …… the list goes on!!

My most favourite journey was my first trip to Japan.

The time & place I have been happiest was when I lived in Malaysia for 5 years – from 1996 to 2001.

When I grow up I want to be an international businessman or a diplomat.

My star sign is Aquarius – and my favourite meal is Unadon (grilled eel on rice).

I love volunteering for Oxfam because I can meet interesting people from all across the world.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I've just received this very touching email from Om - who very many of you met over the past couple of months. He has had to go back to LSE full time again - but might pop in on the occasional Saturday (a story so familiar to many of the Saturday crews).

Please also follow the link to his blogsite - which is very well written and humorous - but especially the Happy New Year entry. Perhaps it strikes a chord with some of you?!

Om - please know that I have appreciated all the very hard work you have put in for Oxfam - and yes - you have made a world of difference.

Dear Sona,

I'm sorry I couldn't see you last saturday. Classes have now started at the LSE and regardless of much I had planned beforehand, I find myself buried under the workload. I have also begun to search for a part-time job. As and when I get time though, I hope it will be okay if I can drop in sometime and do some work.

I also think I must stress how much my work at the store over the last month has come to mean to me. I had never really thought that I could make any bit of a difference on my own, but these days I feel as if I have done so. I hope you can take a moment and have a look at my web-log (
spaces.msn.com/members/Om87) at the entry 'Happy New Year' to see how much better I feel about having worked with you.

Best wishes always,

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Letter from Chris Coe to all Shop Volunteers

As most of you will already know - Chris Coe is the Trading Director for our shops. That means he is responsible for all & everything to do with the shops we love & work in. Here is an extract from his invitation to meet up with him:

" Dear Shop Volunteers

I want to invite you all to one of this year's Oxfam Live events. If you haven't attended an Oxfam Live (known as Forums until 2004), their format and focus on Oxfam's work have rightly made them very popular in recent years. I have written to your shop manager asking that your shop is represented, in as large numbers as possible, at this year's Oxfam Live events.

The work and support of the shop volunteers is vital to the achievement of Oxfam's mission. The day's proceedings start with a 90-minute session exclusively designed for you to exchange your opinions and to ensure your voices are heard. A senior manager from the Trading Management Team will attend each of these sessions to listen directly to your views. This session honours our commitment to consult directly with volunteers; please note that it is not open to paid shop staff.

A short break will follow, during which shop volunteers who have attended the 'Talking Shop' session - and are staying on for the main Oxfam Live event (all of you, I hope!) are welcome to enjoy the food and drinks that will be provided for you.

Oxfam staff, campaigners, donors and potential supporters will then join us at the beginning of the main Oxfam Live event, for a stimulating exchange of news, ideas and views. Everyone can choose to attend all or part of the event. It would be great if you could attend the whole Oxfam Live event, but you should feel free to come for as long as your commitments allow.

As well as the opportunity at 'Talking Shop' to air issues specific to shop volunteering, the day is your chance to find out how your time and energy enable Oxfam to overcome poverty in the 70 countries in which we work - helped by an international Oxfam programme officer, who will present a picture of our ongoing work.

We look forward to meeting you at Oxfam Live - you will meet volunteers and staff from other shops, and other Oxfam supporters in your area, and have a wonderful opportunity to create a network of like-minded people who are all working to make the world a more safe and just place for everyone in it.

Best wishes

Chris Coe
Trading Director

6 January 2006 "

This year's date for this amazing event for us here in London is the evening of 18th May. I know it sounds like a long way off - but it's best to get it into your diary now - and of course I will remind you about it a few more times before the event - through this blog, the shop message book (under the till), by chatting to you - and the notice boards. The venue has not yet been confirmed - but in the past it has been pretty central - so quite close to our shop.

Right - I will put up a notice list in both shops notice boards - please feel free to add you name to mine if you want to attend - it's always a great night out!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Many Thanks!!

A massive thankyou to Natsumi & Mariko for coming in to the Drury Lane shop on the 2nd January (yesterday) and doing such a beautiful spring clean.

I am sure you the rest of the crew will agree that it is a pleasure to start the new year off with such a stunning looking shop!!

And even though the shop was not open while they hoovered, scrubbed, shined, spit & polished, tidied and decorated - they still kept an eye out for donators taking advantage of the congestion zone suspension to bring unwanted Xmas presents in.

Natsumi & Mariko - you have given us the biggest incentive to make sure we all carry on keeping the shops looking great all year long!

Thank you!!